Release UAE4All2-SDL (Pandora Edition) (Amiga Emulator)


Emulator Compiler to the stars
UAE4ALL2-SDL (Pandora version port for android) updated 15.12.2012
A fast and optimized Amiga Emulator
Features: AGA/OCS/ECS, 68020 and 68000 emulation, harddisk-support, WHDLoad-support, Chip/Slow/Fast-mem settings, savestates, vsync, most games run fullspeed​
Author: Bernd Schneider, Toni Wilen, Chui, notaz, Pickle, smoku, AnotherGuest, Anonymous engineer, john4p, TomB, finkel​
Android build by Lubomyr, android-sdl provided by pelya​
location for kickstarts files: android/data/pandora.uae4all.sdl/kickstarts​
Some recommendations:
for physical mouse use:
please push 'change device configuration' when SDl-logo present on screen, when run uae4all2-sdl​
then select 'mouse emulation' -> 'advanced features'​
and disable tick 'Relative mouse movement' (laptop mode)​
for better touchscreen mouse emulation in workbench:
please push 'change device configuration' when SDl-logo present on screen, when run uae4all2-sdl​
then select 'mouse emulation' -> 'Left mouse click'​
then select 'Tap or Hold' -> '1.5 sec'​
updated 26.11.2012
-merged with pandora sources
Changelog 2012-11-25 (TomB):
- fixed problem with audio after restore of saved state​
- increased size for filenames to match largest size ever used in uae (256 chars)​
- HAM bugfix​
- Savestates bugfix: Kickstart version gets restored properly​
- Savestates bugfix: register uspreg gets saved and restored​
- zfile bugfix: length of a string was too small for content​
- Change for "preset A500": fastmem was 512K, is now 0​
- custom controls bugfix: increased string mapping to have enough space for all possible values​
updated 06.12.2012
-merged with pandora sources
Changelog 2012-12-05 (TomB):
- Added HIRES-mode: switch between 320 and 640 width (on-screen'4'+up)​
- Statusline clears only used area and doesn't flicker anymore​
- UAE4All doesn't start when no config file is available​
updated 10.12.2012
- added version for device where slow emu with sound (thanks to pelya)​
updated 11.12.2012
- fixed all problem with sound (big thanks to pelya)​
- sound must works fine with all devices​
- merged with latest libSDL (fixed bugs with some sdl-features, thanks to pelya)​
- no more crash when back to menu​
updated 13.12.2012
- rewritten code opening screen modes​
- added support newscreen mode 320x216 (640x216), 320x262 (640x262), 320x270 (640x270)​
- changed control​
on screen '3' + DOWN - quick change frameskip 0->1, 1->0​
menu - we can call also via back hw-button​
if your tablet not have hardware button: menu or back, then please add additional on-screen button via SDL-setting and assign​
LCTRL-code to this button.​
updated 15.12.2012
- added new 5-th speed mode 1200T2​
- added new frameskip 2,3,4 (for slower devices)​
I added new higher speed mode and higher frameskip mostly for listen my favorite symmod song as Fata-Morgana (Symphonie player pro). With my dual core device it correct play only with new speedmode 12T2 and frameskip 4.​
Control (15.12)
'1'-ok,'2'-keyboard,'3'-right click,'4'-left click​
'3'+up - quick change between 200, 216, 240, 256, 262 and 270 lines mode​
'3'+down - quick change frameskip 0,1​
'3'+left - quick save savestates​
'3'+right - quick restore savestates​
'4'+up - change screen to lores/hires​