app to make signature
e-sig file hash-type key.bin p.bin a.bin b.bin N.bin Gx.bin Gy.bin padding.bin
hash-type: specify the hash-type used to calculate the signature, "sha1",...
key.bin: 21 byte binary file of private key
p, a, b, Gx, Gy : 20 byte binary files of curve parameters
N: 21 byte binary file of parameter N
input file size mod 0x10 should be 0, padding.bin: 16 byte binary file to use as padding
e-sig file hash-type key.bin p.bin a.bin b.bin N.bin Gx.bin Gy.bin padding.bin
hash-type: specify the hash-type used to calculate the signature, "sha1",...
key.bin: 21 byte binary file of private key
p, a, b, Gx, Gy : 20 byte binary files of curve parameters
N: 21 byte binary file of parameter N
input file size mod 0x10 should be 0, padding.bin: 16 byte binary file to use as padding
e-sig.exe 1.0
padding 0x8
file size 0x1295800 bytes
private key 009B81ABBBCBBA99D3530A414EE89EE6C97F5BB57C
sha1 1ACE73251A0A42C558A023D5059F798C81D5AC4B