About 2 years ago PsiCoLeO released a script to extract the selfs embedded in lv1.elf for firmware versions 3.41 and 3.55. I added support for Rex firmwares 4.21.2, 4.30.2, and 441.2.
paste the script in a text editor
uncomment the 2 lines for size and offset of the applicable firmware version
save with .sh extension (lv1_extract.sh)
make it executable (chmod +x lv1_extract.sh)
use with lv1.elf (./lv1_extract.sh lv1.elf)
You can see in this one the lines for 4.41 have been uncommented. (To use with a different version remember to re-comment the size and offset for 4.41.) For windows users, script works in mingw.
paste the script in a text editor
uncomment the 2 lines for size and offset of the applicable firmware version
save with .sh extension (lv1_extract.sh)
make it executable (chmod +x lv1_extract.sh)
use with lv1.elf (./lv1_extract.sh lv1.elf)
# PsiCoLeO 2011
# Script to extract the embedded files from lv1.self
# There is no warranty that this script will work for you
# I can not be held responsable of what you do with this script or any damage you get from using it
# Use it as you please
# File names
files=( "pme_init" "sysmgr_ss.fself" "pme_init.conf" "ss_init.fself" "updater_frontend.fself" "ss_server1.fself" "ss_server2.fself" "ss_server3.fself" )
#comment and uncomment file sizes and offsets depending on the firmware
# File sizes 3.41
#size=( 0x24824 0x5f790 0xAF 0x34eb8 0x239F0 0x811D0 0x4A940 0x38ED0 )
# File offsets 3.41
#offset=( 0x1D00E8 0x1F490C 0x25409C 0x25414C 0x289004 0x2AC9F4 0x32DBC4 0x378504 )
# File sizes 3.55
#size=( 0x24824 0x5f790 0xAF 0x34EB8 0x239F0 0x813B8 0x4A940 0x38ED0 )
# File offsets 3.55
#offset=( 0x1D00E8 0x1F490C 0x25409C 0x25414C 0x289004 0x2AC9F4 0x32DDAC 0x3786EC )
# values for firmwares 4.21 - 4.41 have been added to PsiCoLeO's original release
# File sizes 4.21
#size=( 0x217D8 0x5FBC8 0xAF 0x35058 0x239F0 0x81890 0x4ACE0 0x39080 )
# File offsets 4.21
#offset=( 0x1F00E8 0x2118C0 0x271488 0x271538 0x2A6590 0x2C9F80 0x34B810 0x3964F0 )
# File sizes 4.30
#size=( 0x217D8 0x5FCA8 0xAF 0x35058 0x239F0 0x81A38 0x4ACE0 0x391D0 )
# File offsets 4.30
#offset=( 0x1F00E8 0x2118C0 0x271568 0x271618 0x2A6670 0x2CA060 0x34BA98 0x396778 )
# File sizes 4.41
size=( 0x217D8 0x5FCA8 0xAF 0x35058 0x23D90 0x81A38 0x4ACE0 0x391D0 )
# File offsets 4.41
offset=( 0x1F00E8 0x2118C0 0x271568 0x271618 0x2A6670 0x2CA400 0x34BE38 0x396B18)
printf "***************************** \n"
printf "* Psicoleo's * \n"
printf "* Dump lv1 Embedded files * \n"
printf "***************************** \n\n"
for file in "${files[@]}"
printf "***************************** \n\n"
printf " %s\n" "${file}"
printf "***************************** \n\n"
printf "%s\n" "${offset[$cont]}"
printf "%s\n" "${size[$cont]}"
printf "%s\n" "${cont}"
dd if=$1 of=$file bs=1 obs=1 skip=$((${offset[$cont]})) count=$((${size[$cont]}))