jo3thomas, if you have more of the same type of self that are non npdrm, could you try resigning them with this command line app.
command: reself game.self resigned.self 360
where 360 is the firmware version for the resigned self or put the firmware version you want to use.
adapted from self_rebuilder
It uses the keys files like fail overflow ps3 tools.
It will look in userprofile\.ps3 or userprofile\ps3keys or, as stormshadow reminded me, if you have the environment variable for ps3keys set, then it will look in that folder.
It is only for this type of extra game self.
not for npdrm self.
It was compiled with mgw, so I include the 2 msys dll's it needs, in case anyone doesn't have those.
About the error messages:
1. it scans the key folder and reports the incomplete key sets.
for example if there is in the key folder app-ctype-374, app-key-374, app-iv-374, and app-pub-374 but no app-priv-374, it will say something like <ERROR> no app-priv-374. This error can be ignored if you are not signing with the 374 private keys. This message is part of original the failoverflow code in the tools file that the app is linked with and can be removed if necessary.
2. after it signs the self, it checks the signature of the header to make sure it is correct. there should be a message saying STATUS: OK
that's when resigning the self to firmware 3.55 or below.
when signing a self to higher version firmwares it will report STATUS: Fail
the message can be ignored in that case for using with cfw
I am still looking at those npdrm files you asked about.
UPDATE: there is a newer version of reself in this thread: