PS3 error codes

Rip Cord

Staff member
here's an app that searches firmware files for error codes and prints out a list of error codes.

includes sample batch files and sample output for firmware 3.15
also includes source code

Searching recursively for error codes in files in H:\PS3\firmwares\315ofw

offset:  0x5FC    opcode1 = 15    RT = 30
offset:  0x678    opcode1 = 15    RT = 00    opcode2 = 24    RT = 00    error code = 8001002B
offset:  0x9D4    opcode1 = 15    RT = 30    opcode2 = 24    RT = 30    error code = 8001002D
offset:  0x4CB0    opcode1 = 15    RT = 27    opcode2 = 24    RT = 27    error code = 80068006
offset:  0x9320    opcode1 = 15    RT = 00    opcode2 = 24    RT = 00    error code = 80032000
offset:  0xA24D4    opcode1 = 15    RT = 00    opcode2 = 24    RT = 00    error code = 80000064


    609.6 KB · Views: 1

Rip Cord

Staff member
This just searches for occurrances of "lis" opcode, then checks the first three digits of the immediate value.
If they are "800" (hex), then looks at the next 5 instructions for ori "opcode". If that passes, then double checks to make sure they use the same target register. Then prints the error code from the combined immediate values.

Probably has some false positives or misses. There is a #define "SPREAD" in the header which is set to 5. Just increase that if anyone want to include lis/ori instruction pairs that might be farther apart than 5 instructions.

About the batch file, edit the directory path to the firmare files on youir pc. All subdirectories will be searched. Also, since I used PUAD, the batch file searches files ending in .decrypted while the alternate batch file searches files ending in .prx or .elf.

Finally, it assumes the decrypted files are properly aligned, otherwise the start or stepping needs to be adjusted.