hey there


New member
hi I am ludkiller, I am a developer , reverse engg.(not the best but still ), love to hack the old way, for now I am looking into Vita , PS4 Development, finding some new interest in Hardware hacking and electronics.

you can catch me on twitter : @ludkiller
or my blog : http://futuretraxex.wordpress.com (a blog about random things in my not so random life.)
join me on google+ : ludkiller
and last but not least you can always find me in #ps4dev, #vitadev , #condorstrike on efnet

Storm Shadow

Staff member
Ida Pro Expert
Elite Cracker
Welcome to the board. Nice to see someone with the same interest as myself.
Nice blog :)

Storm Shadow

Staff member
Ida Pro Expert
Elite Cracker
i seen your github at gitbrew, you pretty good with python. :jimlad.png:


New member
;) I have never done python(well I did but not into it that much as I am into C/C++) you might have seen those forked repo.