Search results

  1. Nihilus

    Fentanyl + WWCD for better IDA View & Patcher

    Thx, now I don't have to port it myself.
  2. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO 7.0 PyQT5 Total package by Storm Shadow

    Yes, will let it build during the nightm :)
  3. Nihilus

    Research Ida Pro dwarf export plugin by ALSchwalm

    I did update it and got it working in 7.0 at my github repo:
  4. Nihilus

    Fentanyl + WWCD for better IDA View & Patcher

    Do you mind sharing the source for your plugins so I can builld them on OS X ? :)
  5. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO 7.0 PyQT5 Total package by Storm Shadow

    Anyone sitting on a OS X copy?
  6. Nihilus

    Suggestion Ida pro ida2latex by tamaroth

    http://tamaroth.ue doesn't work
  7. Nihilus

    Release Hexrays Tools Source for IDA 6.1

    we could hack this up by using 'struct tinfo_t'
  8. Nihilus

    Release Hexrays Tools Source for IDA 6.1

    well that is because 'typestring' has disappeared from hexrays.hpp :-(
  9. Nihilus

    Release Hexrays Tools Source for IDA 6.1

    Where can I find the sources for these fixes?
  10. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO smartdec decompiler source released!!

    Now that bug has been fixed for both MIPS and ARM Big Endian architectures.
  11. Nihilus

    Python IDA PRO fREedom by cseagle (capstone based disassembler for extracting to binnavi)

    "2. If you and your friends integrate a decompiler with BinNavi, then we will also send you three free tickets to INFILTRATE 2016!" Well that should be "easy" with snowman.
  12. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO smartdec decompiler source released!!

    Yes, for N32/N64 LE files it will work correctly however there seem to be a bug with BE atm.
  13. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO smartdec decompiler source released!!

    maybe... maybe not. seems like IDA feeds it with bogus op-codes when using Big Endian files. :-/
  14. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO smartdec decompiler source released!!

    So here is the cocaine-addicted clown: snowman.exe: "snowman.exe with a snowman icon! Statically built against libbfd and QT5 on MinGW for your amusement."
  15. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO smartdec decompiler source released!!

    Since I'vent got a license for 6.8 I'vent been able to try the patched MIPS modules for it. However I fixed the NULL-ptr bug which made it instantly crash.
  16. Nihilus

    Research ida mbn/sbl loader (relocation table help)

    Well try creating a github repository as well.
  17. Nihilus

    Python Reverse engineering (x86 / elf) to pseudo-C by joelpx

    Funny guy who obviously implemented some sort of MIPS support the last 14 days.
  18. Nihilus

    Release IDA PRO smartdec decompiler source released!!

    I am always busy :-)
  19. Nihilus

    Class Informer By Sirmabus

    Does anyone have 1.06 at hand?
  20. Nihilus

    Class Informer By Sirmabus

    Darn it... Now I must sync my repo ;-)