Python IDA Walker by Egor Zaytsev

Storm Shadow

Staff member
Ida Pro Expert
Elite Cracker
Simple library for idapython.
Main goal is fight with situations when all strings in binary are somehow obfuscated and decoded by calling some function.
Walker is collecting all calls to such function and also collect arguments for it. So, you just need to implement decoding algo and apply it to list which will be returned by Walker.
Moreover it can be used not only for strings decoding. For example file make a comment with a selector at every call to _objc_msgSend method:
__text:0000000100011DD7				 call	cs:_objc_msgSend_ptr ; statusMsg
__text:0000000100011DDD				 mov	 rdi, rax
__text:0000000100011DE0				 call	_objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
__text:0000000100011DE5				 mov	 [rbp+var_128], rax
__text:0000000100011DEC				 mov	 r15, cs:classRef_NSString
__text:0000000100011DF3				 mov	 rsi, cs:selRef_item
__text:0000000100011DFA				 mov	 rdi, r14
__text:0000000100011DFD				 call	cs:_objc_msgSend_ptr ; item
__text:0000000100011E03				 mov	 rdi, rax
__text:0000000100011E06				 call	_objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
It can be easily extended by creating own handlers for assembly instructions. For now only x86/x64 and mips is supported
BPArgsTracker is one of examples such extending handler. It tracks movs at local variables and allows to create hooks for functions. This can be usefull if we works with C++ strings:
std::string s("obfuscated");
s.decode(); // s - now original string
We can add hook at std::string constructor so, at the moment of decode call we have connection beetween hardcoded obfustated string and place where decode is taken
mov rsi, dword_12345 
lea rdi, [rbp-800]
call std::string
lea rdi, [rbp-800]
call decode


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